
Rough cleaning of wheeled and tracked vehicles

Construction machines, military vehicles and rail vehicles often get very dirty in use. This makes repair and maintenance work more difficult. A MobyDick Demucking System solves this problem within a few minutes!


  • Military vehicles
  • Construction vehicles
  • Trucks and SUVs
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Washing construction equipment, military vehicles, and railcars with FRUTIGER Demucking systems

MobyDick Demucking systems from FRUTIGER Company AG address the issue of heavily soiled construction equipment, military vehicles, and railcars. The use of this innovative technology facilitates and accelerates repair and service work. The Demucking technology is based on the proven washing technique and water recycling of MobyDick tire washing systems. The systems operate with moderate pressure and a lot of water to wash construction equipment, military vehicles, or railcars. A special nozzle arrangement is required to ensure an effective washing result.

While wheel washing systems typically only wash the parts of the vehicle that can carry dirt onto the road, the goal of a Demucking system is to thoroughly clean the entire vehicle. There is usually enough time for this, so the washing platform can be designed to be shorter.

The low pressure reliably removes coarse contaminants such as soil, stones, clay, or coal dust without removing oils and fats.

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