Truck wheel washing systems: Avoid soiling public roads

Category: Washing system Wheel Washing

The importance of cleaning dirty truck wheels often doesn’t become obvious until damage needs to be repaired. Wear and tear on the wheels or the entire vehicle can be avoided or reduced if you clean it regularly. A truck is a commercial vehicle and is built to transport heavy goods over long distances.

However, the slow wear and tear of consumable parts cannot be avoided. Yet, you can partly prevent this by cleaning the truck at regular intervals. This will remove dirt and dust, which can get stuck in the smallest of cracks. This dirt can cause permanent but hardly noticeable damage and scratches to the paintwork and all operating parts.

A truck wheel washing system ensures clean and safe roads

As a car driver or owner of large trucks, you will recognise the problem: The driver in front of you drives over a stone that then hits your windscreen. This causes small cracks in the windscreen and even the slightest stone impact can have consequences. Damage to the paintwork or even deep scratches are not uncommon. However, if you clean your dirty truck wheels in a truck wheel washing plant, you avoid such situations.

You also contribute to clean roads with your cleaned vehicles. MobyDick is your contact for truck wheel washing systems of different sizes and types. In our range, you will find the right model for your needs. This will enable you to clean the wheels and chassis of your fleet. In addition, you help to keep your commercial vehicles looking in perfect condition. You’ll also always leave a good impression with your customers and the public.

A truck wheel washing system ensures clean and safe roads

As well as maintaining the value of your truck, wheel cleaning also plays a major role in road safety. You want your drivers to be safe on the road. Furthermore, you do not want to become a danger for other road users. Regular cleaning of the wheels and chassis helps to prevent accidents. A common reason for serious accidents involving trucks is burst wheels.

They are often caused by wheel damage that is hardly visible from the outside. Maybe there was a nail stuck in the wheel, or maybe the wheel was damaged by driving quickly onto a high curb. A sharp stone can even get stuck in the tread. Compared to a car wheel, the tread of a truck wheel is more pronounced. Stones, dust and sharp objects can easily get stuck in the tread of a truck wheel.

Without cleaning, they get more deeply embedded in the rubber. Dirt on public roads can also pose a considerable risk of skidding for other road users. This risk increases in rain or cold temperatures and can end in tragedy. With a modern wheel washing system, you are, therefore, actively contributing to the safety of your drivers and all other road users. 

Clean wheels also help to protect the environment

The importance of clean wheels for the protection of our environment should not be underestimated. Day after day, countless cars and trucks roll along the roads and motorways at home and abroad. It is true that there are major efforts in some countries to shift more heavy goods traffic onto rail. However, road transport will continue to play a major role in the future.

Many voices are calling for greater importance to environmental protection if we want to do something to protect our climate. While there are efforts to make heavy goods transport more environmentally friendly, such efforts are only just beginning. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the individual to do more to protect the environment and the climate.

Ensuring the cleanliness of public roads is really a duty for every car or truck driver. With clean wheels, you contribute toward minimising dirt and grime on roads and also help to prevent the development of dust. An efficient truck wheel washing system helps you to automate this process. It does not always have to be expensive or involve complex processes or protective devices. Often even a small step, such as cleaning your truck wheels, leads to greater sustainability.

MobyDick also offers dust control systems

MobyDick also offer dust control systems

Heavy equipment is almost always used indoors and outdoors on construction sites, e.g. for demolition. Employees and all craftspeople on site are anxious to complete a project on time and are naturally interested in working carefully. Yet, even with very precise working methods, dirt and dust on building sites often cannot be avoided.

Inhaling dust is extremely unpleasant for people and animals, and in the worst case, it can even cause health problems. The consequences for the environment can be difficult to quantify. The reduction of harmful substances in emissions is a topic that is likely to concern society for a long time to come.

Effective dust control can help reduce air pollutants and improve air quality. MobyDick has specialised in the development of powerful dust control machines. If you work on construction sites with heavy equipment and want to minimise the air pollution on site, MobyDick is your contact. For this purpose, MobyDick uses the latest technologies, such as the use of water droplets.

The devices for dust control use the of the smallest water drops. They make sure that dust is bound more easily and sinks to the ground in a moist form. In this way, the dust load in the air is sustainably reduced. The use of the smallest droplets differs considerably from dust control with large droplets. Studies have shown that the control effect is much stronger with small water drops than with large water drops.

Clean construction machinery with Demucking

Clean construction machinery with Demucking

Commercial and industrial construction companies rely on their trucks to function properly on construction sites. That is why contractors should choose regular cleaning and maintenance and use a truck wheel washing system to clean the wheels. Heavy construction machinery is also exposed to dust and dirt in various forms every day. The finest dust particles can be stubborn and must be removed regularly. If this is not done, they reduce the functionality of your machines in the long run.

In the worst case, an expensive repair or a new purchase might even be necessary. The automated cleaning of tracked vehicles and heavy construction equipment allows machines to remain in top condition for a long time. This also helps them to perform reliably. The cleaning time can be reduced from hours to minutes. Also, the washing water can be used again and again, thanks to the recycling process. Cleaning costs are, therefore, reduced considerably. 

All services from a single source

For many years, FRUTIGER have distributed a wide range of wheel washing systems under the brand MobyDick. These systems are provided for trucks, coarse dirt washing systems and dust control systems. FRUTIGER  is a global market leader with over 4000 wheel washing systems installed worldwide.

The company has 30 years’ experience in construction industry emission control and offers a wide range of solutions from one source. Be inspired by the latest innovations on the market. Make an active contribution to environmental and climate protection on your construction site without compromising on performance. Also, pay attention to your machine cleaning, care and maintenance. Your machines will remain operational for even longer and be less prone to needing repairs. Please contact your advisor and find out what MobyDick can do for you.

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