Dust Control


Value through cutting-edge technology

Operation Principle

In the dust suppression process utilizing water droplets, water is finely sprayed, allowing the water droplets to combine with dust particles in the air. The size of the water droplets is crucial. They need to be large enough to capture the dust particles but small enough to remain airborne and not immediately fall to the ground. When the water droplets meet dust particles, they envelop them. This combination increases the weight of the dust particles, causing them to fall to the ground and thus be removed from the air.

In all MobyDick Multi models, specially developed or carefully selected highly innovative and premium components are utilized to maximize the efficiency of the resources used (electricity and water).

MobyDick High-Performance Projectiles with Stators

The central element of any dust suppression system is the projectile. Therefore, the engineers at FRUTIGER, in close cooperation with the Institute for Aerodynamics at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, have developed a novel projectile for our dust suppression systems that combines peak efficiency with futuristic functionality.

Its innovative design stabilizes the airflow, resulting in a strong, precisely targeted airflow. This specifically distributes the water droplets, thereby maximizing dust suppression. The integration of stators further stabilizes the airflow, enhancing the efficiency of dust suppression even more.

Manufactured from high-quality composite fiber, the projectile impresses with its exceptional resistance to corrosion and wear, ensuring durable functionality even under harsh conditions. The material used significantly reduces vibrations compared to steel solutions, leading to a substantial reduction in noise and thus improving the work environment.

In case of damage, the projectile can be quickly and effectively repaired using commercially available polymer resins. This reduces maintenance times and maximizes the system’s availability.

This innovative projectile redefines the standard for effective dust suppression. In comparative scientific studies, it has demonstrated its superiority in terms of efficiency – the transformation of energy used into throwing power – and regarding low noise emissions compared to other dust suppression systems.

MobyDick Nozzle Head (Multi Models)

The MobyDick nozzle head, specifically designed for the Multi models and developed in Switzerland by FRUTIGER engineers, marks a significant advancement in dust suppression efficiency. Equipped with 15 special stainless-steel nozzles, this robust aluminum-made nozzle head allows for an additional discharge of 1800 liters of water beyond the standard configuration of a 30-nozzle ring. This innovation boosts the dust-binding capability of the MobyDick systems by over 30%, making the system even more versatile in combating dust.

Its targeted droplet projection feature produces a focused water jet, making it particularly suitable for precise dust suppression – ideal for specific requirements such as demolition work. This nozzle head is an essential upgrade for anyone needing effective and precise dust control.

MobyDick Pump for Dust Suppression

All MobyDick Single and Multi dust suppression systems are equipped with a multistage centrifugal pump, representing an extraordinary blend of performance and efficiency. With the capacity to deliver up to 5500 liters per hour at a pressure of up to 20 bars, this pump is tailored to the needs of demanding dust suppression processes. A major advantage of this multistage centrifugal pump lies in its ability to ensure a continuous and uniform water supply. This feature is crucial for the effective suppression of dust particles, as it allows for a consistent moisture provision that efficiently binds dust at its source and minimizes its spread.

The robust construction of the pump guarantees its reliability even under the most demanding conditions. This durability, combined with the capability for low-maintenance operation, makes it an indispensable component of dust suppression systems. Overall, the multistage centrifugal pump from MobyDick offers a lasting and efficient solution to the challenges of dust control in industrial and construction settings, making it an ideal choice for projects with the highest standards of environmental protection and occupational safety.

MobyDick Frequency Converters (Multi Models)

Another distinctive feature setting all MobyDick Multi models apart from other systems is the integrated frequency converters. This technology allows the user to precisely control the fan speed, enabling continuous adjustment of the throw distance, energy consumption, and noise emissions at any time. The ability to flexibly and precisely adjust these key elements offers a significant advantage over systems that only feature a fixed throw distance.

Fine-tuning to the specific operational conditions ensures optimal dust control at all times. Especially under changing weather conditions or in scenarios where the availability of power resources is limited, as well as in urban environments where noise emissions play a critical role, the MobyDick Multi models demonstrate their unmatched operational flexibility.

MobyDick Nozzles for Dust Suppression

Specially designed for MobyDick dust suppression systems, these nozzles generate a particularly fine spray mist that evenly covers a broad area. The hollow cone spray pattern is engineered to produce the perfect droplet size, which is heavy enough to efficiently capture dust particles from the air and bring them to the ground, without oversaturating the environment. This technology enables precise application, cuts down on water use, and prevents the accumulation of puddles or moisture.

Constructed from stainless steel, these nozzles are not just sturdy and durable but also corrosion-resistant, making them perfect for deployment in diverse conditions.

Siemens LOGO

In MobyDick dust suppression systems, the Siemens LOGO! acts as the central control unit, tailor-made for smooth integration and efficient communication with other system components. This control unit stands out for its compact size and ease of use, making it perfectly suited for our challenging environments. With Siemens LOGO!, customers get a control solution that not only makes operation simpler but also stands out for its dependability and versatility. Its flexibility enables precise management of different functions and processes within dust suppression systems, enhancing the efficacy of dust control.

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